Björn Aksdal, Trondheim
The development of the modern Hardanger fiddle. Some reflections on
the role of the fiddle maker Erik J. Helland
Marianne Bröcker, Bamberg
When the accordion came to Paris
Igor Cvetko, Ljubljana
About branch lurs in Slovenia
Tamila Djani-Zade, Moscow
Die organologische und ikonographische Gestalt der turkischen Lauten.
Über das historische Zupfinstrument qopuz-i ozan.
Rinko Fujita, Vienna
Die Taishôgoto, das erste Tasteninstrument in Japan
Gisa Jähnichen, Berlin
Einmal nach Hawaii und zurück: aus dem Leben der rajão auf Porto Santo
/ Once to Hawaii and back: the rajão on Porto Santo
Aleh Joshani, Marburg
Wechselwirkung zwischen Instrumentenbauer und Musiker: Der Tar des
Hållbus Totte Mattsson, Falun
Old traditions creating new forms in music and instrumentation. The
introduction of plucked instruments in modern Swedish folk music
Irena Miholić, Zagreb
Instrument makers and musicians
Auste Nakien, Vilnius
Reconstruction of "historical" sounds as a part of Lithuanian cultural
resistance and revival in 80ies and 90ies
Bo Nyberg: Falun
The sound of Enviken. Some aspects on rock and roll – Dalecarlian
traditional music of our time
Timkehet Teffera, Berlin
Embilta playing in Ethiopia
Rūta Žarskienė, Vilnius
The makers and performers of multi-pipe whistles of Northeastern
Europe: Are they males or females?
Katrin Lengwinat de Briceño, Caracas
Ein Volksmusikinstrumentenbauer in Caracas, der nie Instrumente für
die Volksmusik gemacht hat
Ola Kai Ledang, Trondheim
Applied Organology or Pastime Fascination? Restoring the viking Lur
and Refining the Langleik
Per-Ulf Allmo, Stockholm
The origin of the Nyckelharpa
Timo Leisiö, , Tampere
The Celtic Lyre and the North-Germanic "Hárpon" - Reflections on
prehistoric lyres