Study Group on  Folk Musical Instruments


18th International Meeting


13-17 April, 2011

at the invitation of

Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku

Marco Lutzu, 

A New Device for the Analysis of Relations between Music and Gesture in Launeddas (Sardinia)

The triple pipe known as launeddas is undoubtedly the most important and famous Sardinian folk musical instrument. In May 2007 the engineer Francesco Capuzzi presented in his blog the electroneddas, an electronic version of the launeddas. The new instrument was both severely criticized by some players and played alternatively with the traditional launeddas by others.
The first time I listened to the electroneddas I understood that, with some modification, it could be good to study the relationships between music and gesture. So, together with the engineers Francesco Capuzzi and Guido Coraddu, I modified the instrument creating a device connected to software that graphically represents the position of the fingers to play the instrument. The experimentations carried out together with the launeddas player Andrea Pisu have led to two main results. First of all, the new graphic representation shows the limits of transcribing launeddas music in a standard score. Secondly, it makes possible to carry out several new studies about the relationships between music and gesture.


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